Using a Bitmap as a Hot Spot

You can use bitmaps as hot spots. This enables you to create graphics, such as icons or buttons, and use them as  jumps  to particular topics or as hot spots for macros. The following example uses the bitmap in the MYBUTTON.BMP file to create a link. When the user clicks the bitmap, Windows Help jumps to the topic identified by the context string  topic15 :

{ \strike \{ bml mybutton.bmp\}}{ \v topic15}

You can also divide a single bitmap into several hot spots and assign a different link or macro to each hot spot. Such bitmaps, called segmented-graphics bitmaps, are created by using Hotspot Editor. For example, if you have a bitmap of a dialog box, you can assign links to each of the control windows in the dialog box, enabling the user to click a control window and view information about it. Segmented-graphics bitmaps already contain the context strings needed for the links; only a bml or bmr statement is needed to insert the bitmap. The \strike and \v statements must not be used.

\{ bml mydialog.shg\}